Dear me,
I am walking through Central Park. It is my last day in NYC.
As I walk, music wafts through the chill air and dappled light. It parts a path through all the other sounds of life in the city (traffic, sirens, tourists, birds, dogs, babies).
I drift towards the music which coalesces into human form. Said human is a gentleman named Chase. Chase is a Central Park busker.
An elderly lady walks up to him and politely tells him to turn down the volume on his speakers. He obliges - just a little. I convey my appreciation of his art and it gets a bigger smile than the large tip I leave. I get a sense that he is used to being heard but not seen.
Like many competent professionals who love what they do and strive to do it well, appreciation of the effort seems as important to Chase as financial reward for the result. So if you know someone who is doing a great job at putting in the effort, tell them that you see them. It may be just what they need.