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Pathetic Fallacy

Dear me,

'Pathetic fallacy' is a literary term associated with 18th century English poetry. For example, this particular morning is listless sun, weeping cloud, sighing leaf. It has been a stark week here in the UK where local news channels seem to be reporting politics as comedy, ordinary life as tragedy, and in so doing delivering journalism as reality TV. 

It occurs to me that the difference between the presence of trust and the absence of trust is assuming the best versus assuming the worst when something bad happens. The absence of trust is not distrust. The absence of trust is hopelessness. 

Surely there is nothing more dangerous and doomed than humanity without hope. And that is why giving and keeping trust must be everything - personal, professional and political. Expecting otherwise - as individuals, organisations and governments - would be a pathetic fallacy literally rather than literarily. 



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