Dear me,
It is 11.55pm in Britain on Saturday, 29 Oct 2022. As I prepare for sleep, I glance at my phone to activate the standing 8am alarm I have for weekends. For a disorienting moment my brain does not compute what I see (screenshot below) because my phone is telling me that my 8am alarm will ring in 9hrs 5mins!
In the meantime (pause and take in the pun) between now (then?) and 2am on Sunday, 30 Oct 2022 (when the clocks will be pushed back an hour signalling the end of British Summer Time), I have an extra hour that exists outside the realm of physics. It is magical and confounding only because I am conscious at this hour, of that hour.
Language as stream of consciousness is so closely bound to the steady predictable gait of time. It occurs to me that writers like James Joyce and Georges Perec and their attempts to fissure time through language may have been borne out of moments of dis-consciousness like this.
The whole moment is rather weird and wonderful. My brain is tickled. When I wake up at 8am tomorrow, time will no longer be 'out of joint' but how wonderful to have briefly been a being in-between time.
Have a wonder-full-time this weekend, wherever you are and whatever the time.